Saturday, February 5, 2011

Ice Skating - Ottawa

So, after gaining inspiration from my mother's blog, I'm going to try and start my own one.

I have been living in Canada for almost two weeks now on a school exchange program for one year. It's been a bit of a roller coasters of emotions and experiences. Sometimes I wake up thinking "What the hell am I doing here?"

I miss my friends and family alot, but the doors of opportunity that will open after my exchange outweigh and it's such a good idea (in my eyes) and hey, I'll see them all soon.

Seeing as today is my first day blogging I guess I should talk about my day?
I went Ice Skating down the Ottawa Canal with the other exchange students. It was an... experience and a half. One thing I learnt, Australians can't skate.. or maybe it's just me. Ha! Fell over twice which was rather embarrassing, the first time I was actually skating... the second time I was standing still. It takes skill to fall over while standing still!!  After skating for 5km, my friend Margie and I went shopping and sight-seeing which included walking into a VERY expensive hotel and just chilling in the lobby. When approached and asked why we had been sitting in the lobby for half and hour by security, we simply responded we're waiting for our parents! After security left, we quickly exited the building. Ha! Was defiantly worth it :)

Caught the bus home and watched the movie 'Australia'. Made me rather proud to be Australian.. and a little home sick.

 Ice Skating on the Canal
 Belinda & I
 Margie & I 
 The Hotel
 That's me, on the left of the picture is Parliament House

Margie in the Hotel Lobby

Ottawa Canal at night